What’s your Passion #6 – Vision comes First!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s great that Simon Sinek, in a video from a few years back, agrees that Vision comes first. He defines Vision as a “just cause,” something for which you are willing to sacrifice. He also describes the Why as the foundation of a house (i.e. its history) and the house to be built on top as the Vision (i.e. future). 

What’s your Passion #5 – the 4R Model

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The 4R Model is the basis for ALL religions & philosophies and the 1st three “R’s” (Right Truth, Right Values & Attitudes and Right Actions) are from the early 1980’s with the 4th “R” (Right Results) being added in the late 90’s. In the marketplace of ideas in the relativistic culture in which we live, with rapid redefinition occurring at an astonishing pace, the simplicity and power of the 4R’s is more relevant than ever.