What’s your Passion #47 – Improve your Agile

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Today’s post links to an article published today for the IG Guru (Information Governance News) by Andrew Ysasi, Master of Science (M.S.), FCP (he also has the following certifications: MS CRM/CIGO, FIP, FIIM, CIPM, CISM, PMP, IGP and CIP).

You can find the full text of the article here:


In the article, Andrew uses a great metaphor:

  • “The best analogy I can use for Flow is this.  Remember the story when the professor asked students if a jar of rocks was full?   When the students said yes, the professor poured sand into the jar and asked the question again.  Another yes reply from students.  Then the professor poured water into the jar.  Flow is the water to your Agile program when you think it is complete.  The experience of the Kallman brothers, the story of the Nehemiah effect, and leadership principles are the core of the Flow program.”

Many thanks and kudos to Andrew for a great review (deeply appreciated).

Start your journey today by registering here (or, for more information click here).

Have more questions? Let’s chat!


For those that are not familiar with the Flow Leadership Framework, it is what’s next for businesses and organizations that are ready to succeed regardless of the methods, frameworks or management tools that they use throughout their enterprise.

Are you ‘in the zone’ of optimal performance right now as a person, team or enterprise? Did you get there by accident or by focused intentional acts?

“Flow” gives you the tools and practices needed to create and maintain an optimal state of high performance as an individual, team or organization.

The Flow Leadership Framework turbocharges “business agile” leadership.


PS Here are the associated links to this blog post for:

#culture #scrum #agile #pmi #pmp #kanban #lean #flow #scaledagile #transformation #change #transform