Implementing Flow using Anticipatory Vision

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The most abstract of all the mindsets that we have in the Flow Leadership Framework is Anticipatory Vision.

This is the sixth in a series of posts on Implementing Flow and today we’re looking at the amazing insight(s) Anticipatory Vision can provide:

You use Anticipatory Vision and Flash Foresight to look over and beyond the horizon using trends and intuition.

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Anticipatory Vision

This is Tile 6, Anticipatory Vision (see end of the post for a picture with all eighteen mindset tiles that we use in Flow):

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There are two teach-backs on Anticipatory Vision with Glen Liguori, FCT and Jeff Kissinger, FCT (click links to see the teach-backs on this topic). Many of us will experience flashes of foresight during our careers.

Why Anticipate anyways?

As I shared in my previous posts, it is baffling that so few people in leadership seem to understand the power of Vision, let alone how to use Anticipatory Vision and/or Flash Foresight to help your teams achieve higher levels of performance.

Stacey Diagram

Technically the Stacey Diagram can be used in all four areas (individual, team, product, and organization) and is typically used to ID which framework or methodology is best for the situation that you are facing:

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This picture has been around for quite a while and predates Cynefin by several years (although those using Cynefin often suggest that their view is somehow different than Dr. Stacey’s view):

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The main gist of both diagrams is that depending upon the situation, you need to lead using different mindsets for each (like we teach in Flow). And the Cynefin image above shows that we need a 3D view when factoring in the complexity/simplicity of the communications involved. Most miss that.

Anticipatory Vision

After reading Dr. Burrus’ books (links shared above), I put together this diagram based on the concepts from Flash Foresight (Reactive, Proactive, and Preactive) plus the ideas from the Anticipatory Organization:

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Being able to perceive future facts and having flash foresight based on trends (on the average, we’ll be right) is a powerful use of Anticipatory Vision. It’s like being able to see over and beyond the horizon.

While this might sound mystical, it is anything but that. Therefore, having decent (not perfect) data is crucial to being able to project potential future outcomes. Some people say you cannot predict the future. I disagree. Here’s and example:

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If you’d like to get the rest of the story, check out my previous blog post What’s your Passion # 27 – Flow vs. anti-Flow to see a real-world example of Anticipatory Vision and Flash Foresight in action. Sometimes lightning strikes.

The 18 Tiles

Anticipatory Vision is the sixth of eighteen areas on which we focus in the Flow Leadership Framework and Mindset. In subsequent posts I will be walking you through how to implement the remaining tiles to deliver outstanding and remarkable results, every day.

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Six down, twelve to go!

Focus Led Organizations Win!

Flow is methodology agnostic and will deliver consistent, remarkable results regardless of what’s being used at the individual, team, and product levels in an organization. That’s been proven over-and-over again during the past 27 years on assignments in Europe, North America, and Asia.

So, why is it that you aren’t using Flow yet?

Let’s chat!


For those that are not familiar with the Flow Leadership Framework & Mindset, it is what’s next for businesses and organizations that are ready to succeed regardless of the methods, frameworks, mindsets, or management tools that they use throughout their enterprise. Flow is methodology agnostic.

Are you ‘in the zone’ of optimal performance right now as a person, team, or enterprise? Did you get there by accident or by focused intentional acts?

“Flow” gives you the way of working and mindset needed to create and maintain an optimal state of high performance as an individual, team, or organization.

The Flow Leadership Framework turbocharges everything you do, including “business agile” leadership and Scaled Agile.


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