The Four Lenses in Flow permeate everything that we do and simple isn’t easy! Here’s an example of the Four Lenses in a “London Tube” format.
The Four Lenses idea and mindset in Flow is simple and the picture I usually share looks like this:

Recently during some discussions with our Flow Coaches and Trainers the following picture emerged:

There are four “paths” in this network (uses the Four Lenses – Individual, Team, Product and Organization) and there are some “stations” that overlap between the routes. There is an additional path for the Flow Leadership Services which includes some powerful mindsets and ways of working that will clarify a number of key areas of friction and trends from which executives and leaders can make informed decisions.
The Individual Path
This “path” starts with Vision. It includes the Flow Formula, the FCP (Flow Certified Professional), doing a Case Study (required to earn your FCC status), the FCC (Flow Certified Coach) and ultimately the FCT (Flow Certified Trainer). By the time you get to the FCT level, you have a very good understanding between change management, roll-outs, scaling, and organizational transformation (and the differences between the four of those).
The Team Path
The team path starts with the Flow Formula (Vision + Right People + the 4D Model = Flow) and it is at this station where the formula intersects the individual and organizational paths. This path includes the roles needed to succeed. And, we use the Flow Friction Analysis and Four Lenses to eliminate friction so that the team can get the job done. All of the paths intersect at Vision. And it is a clear, concise Vision that is easy to communicate that Drives the successful Delivery of whatever Product, Service or Result it is that will delight your customer.
The Product Path
In this path we start with Vision and branch off in two directions. A Center of Excellence is one way to assist the organization in change management, transition and/or transformation efforts. In this picture, the CoE is linked to the Flow Leadership Services and it is also linked to the Individual and Team Paths. The other part of the path is the link to the embedded customer and focuses on Innovation and Engagement. Without proper Product Management / Ownership along with world-class Program, Line and Development Management, you will be hard pressed to Deliver the Product, Service or Result that is desired by the customer.
The Organizational Path
This path focuses on the Leadership Team. We start with making the FCP available on the organization’s LMS (Learning Management System). It includes targeted training for Executives (and includes some powerful workshops). One of the most essential workshops is the Vision exercise where we Distill the organization’s Vision down to a 5-7 word phrase. If your company’s Vision isn’t short, memorable and easy to communicate, then the level of Dilution between the leaderships and the teams could be very significant. And it could cause unnecessary friction and heartburn for everyone. As the Leadership progresses and adopts the Flow Mindset it will have the benefit of enabling the Culture to truly serve the teams and help them to become sustainably high-performing.
Simple is not Easy!
This past Monday I also shared the following “1-4-18-30” image that includes the Four Lenses:

We start with 1 Vision. We use the 4 Lenses as our filter. We have 18 Tiles with Mindsets, Methods, Ways of Working and Measuring that are sorted according to the Flow Leadership Formula. That expands out into the sunburst diagram with over 30 Flow Action Items in the outer ring in the diagram. Master all of these and you will be able to duplicate sustainable high performance for you, your teams as well as your entire organization.
It is simple – it’s just not easy!
Btw, join us for a webinar on Accelerating Business Performance on 29 October 2021 (3 pm Finnish time for session 1 -and- session 2 at 8 pm Finnish time). Click this link for more information (for your time zones, etc.) and also to register (required to attend).
Not using Flow yet? Let’s chat!
For those that are not familiar with the Flow Leadership Framework & Mindset, it is what’s next for businesses and organizations that are ready to succeed regardless of the methods, frameworks or management tools that they use throughout their enterprise. Flow is methodology agnostic.
Are you ‘in the zone’ of optimal performance right now as a person, team or enterprise? Did you get there by accident or by focused intentional acts?
“Flow” gives you the way of working and mindset needed to create and maintain an optimal state of high performance as an individual, team or organization.
The Flow Leadership Framework turbocharges everything you do, including “business agile” leadership and Scaled Agile.
PS Here are the associated links to this blog post for:
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